Welcome to CNSJ Fishing

Committee Official Page

Welcome to CNSJ Fishing

Committee Official Page


Inscripción Embarcación

Important: this form must be completd by each participanting angles and must be returned to Club Nautico San Juan, PO Box 9021133, San Juan, PR 00902-133

Importante: esta inscripcion debe ser completada por cada pescador participante y devuelta al club nautico de San Juan, PO Box 9021133,San Juan, PR 00902-133

Boat Owner: $500.00 ( includes 4 anglers max )
Free dockage for visiting boats November 12 - 15 ( does not include electricity or water )
Boat Owner: $500.00 ( includes 4 anglers max )

WELCOME to the

CNSJ Fishing Committee

Since its founding in 1930, Club Náutico de San Juan has championed Puerto Rico’s nautical life through eight decades of meaningful history. Some highlights include creating and expanding the International Billfish Tournament, hosting famous personalities, and investing in the Club’s infrastructure to continue growing and reaching new heights.